How We Can Help Protect Your Dog's Paws?

How We Can Help Protect Your Dog's Paws?

Dog Paw from a mobile dog groomer near me of a yellow Labrador retriever

Owner’s dog paw with a mobile dog groomer

Dog paws are so important to your little pup.

I know you think this is a silly statement. Your dog's paws are important for lots of reasons. Of course, the most important one is they support your dog. Also helps them walk, run, jump, fetch a ball and go outside to do their business. With just those listings, of course a dog’s paw needs to be healthy.

Just imagine if you had dried and cracked feet, would you want to get up and walk on them? This can be very painful for your puppy to get up and go out to do their business or even get up to eat their food.

With cracked and/or dried feet you might start seeing your puppy losing weight for lack of eating or even gain wait for lack of exercise. You want your puppy to have the best quality of life.

Eventually, after a while, your puppy will dread doing any of the essential things in life. They might even start to dread socialization, which will almost assuredly harm their quality of life.

What causes your dog to even get dried and/or cracked feet?

One common issue is allergies, you will see your dog really licking, chewing, and biting their paws. When humans have allergy issues, the allergy comes out their nose and eyes. When dogs show allergy problems they start licking, chewing or biting their paws.

They can also easily get a rock, thorn, or pebble in their paws. They do not put shoes on like us, of course you can always get those special booties for dogs.

Some dogs are bored or have anxiety problems, and love licking to calm themselves. I am sure you see them licking a bone or favorite toy.

Without the obvious of seeing something in their paws, it can be hard to figure out why your dog is licking their paw. Your dog’s feet can get infected with all the licking, always talk to your vet about solutions for your dog.

What can you do to help your dog’s paws?

When your lips are chapped and dry, you put lip balm on them. You can also moisturize your dog’s paws with a non-toxic balm. You want to make sure the balm is paw safe.

Before putting the balm on:

  • Clean the pad

  • Check for visible cuts

  • Apply the safe balm on their paw

When your dog is being groomed at Fresh Paws Spa, we always look for visible cuts. Let us know if you would like some balm on their feet. Your dog will benefit from this.

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