Types of Leashes for Dogs

Types of Leashes for Dogs

It’s so fun walking with our dogs outside. Our dogs love the bonding time with them and being out in nature.

Our dogs look to us to be their protector when it comes to walking them. We must watch for cars, other wild animal (skunk, fox, coyote, etc.) and people.

When I was teaching at OTCH (Obedience Training Class of Harrisburg), we talked about all kinds of leashes.

First there is the leather leash, you can purchase them in 4-6 feet in length. You want to make sure you do not wrap the handle around your arm. A client of mine broke their arm because the dog pulled her the wrong way. Always make sure it is in your hand.

Second is the retractable leash.  These leashes can go up to 16-feet or longer. It’s hard to control your dog when they are out to fullest extent. You can also cut your hand on the rope if you try pulling it back.

Something to be aware of. My 84-year-old dad He was walking his dog on a regular 6-foot leash and another person came over to his side of the street with his retractable leash. The dog was out of control, the dog was trying to get my dad’s 8lb dog. The gentleman holding the leash was trying to get his dog but unfortunately, the rope wrapped around my dad’s legs and pulled him down. He hit his head on the sidewalk and hurt his wrist. He ended up in the emergency room. This would never have happened if the gentleman had a regular leash and could control his dog.

Beware of other owners and dogs walking. Try not to let your dog come up on a person or a dog. We have no idea if the person is afraid of dogs, or if the dog you are approaching, is sick, elderly or doesn’t like other dogs.

It comes down to controlling your dog having fun walking with them. Let’s get out there and walk.  









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